BIOTIN offers 20 research Projects in three areas;
1) drug discovery and development,
2) diagnosis and
3) tissue engineering and artificial organs.
Machine learning assisted predictive design of biomineralizing peptides for tissue regeneration
Project Acronym
Asst. Prof. Deniz T. Yucesoy (IZTECH)
Asst. Prof. Işıl Öz (IZTECH)
Assoc. Prof. Duygu Ege (BOUN)
PhD Awarding Institution
İzmir Institute of Technology
PhD Title
PhD in Bioengineering
Organoid based on-chip disease models
Project Acronym
Assoc. Prof. Sinan Güven (IBG)
Assoc. Prof. Bora Garipcan (BOUN)
Assoc. Prof. Cumhur Tekin (IZTECH)
PhD Awarding Institution
Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir International Biomedicine and Genome Institute
PhD Title
PhD in Biomedicine and Health Technologies
Design of novel sugar and lipid-based reactive polymeric materials for cellular targeting
Project Acronym
Prof. Amitav Sanyal(BOUN)
Prof. Cengizhan Öztürk(BOUN)
Assoc. Prof. Özden Yalçın Özuysal (IZTECH)
PhD Awarding Institution
Boğaziçi University, Institute of Biomedical Engineering
PhD Title
PhD in Biomedical Engineering
Development of novel quantum-mechanical descriptors for nano-biomaterials and their application to predicting toxicity
Project Acronym
Asst. Prof. Ceyda Öksel Karakuş (IZTECH)
Prof. Hasan Sahin (IZTECH)
Assoc. Prof. Gökhan Karakülah (IBG)
PhD Awarding Institution
İzmir Institute of Technology
PhD Title
PhD in Bioengineering
Development of membranes for isolation and separation of extracellular vesicles
Project Acronym
Prof. Sacide Alsoy Altınkaya (IZTECH)
Prof. Amitav Sanyal (BOUN)
Assoc. Prof. Özden Yalçın Özuysal (IZTECH)
PhD Awarding Institution
İzmir Institute of Technology
PhD Title
PhD in Chemical Engineering
Extending query processing with big data pipelines of multi-omics data for better understanding of complex phenotypes
Project Acronym
Assoc. Prof. Belgin Ergenç Bostanoğlu (IZTECH)
Assoc. Prof. Efe Sezgin (IZTECH)
Assoc. Prof. Gökhan Karakülah (IBG)
PhD Awarding Institution
İzmir Institute of Technology
PhD Title
PhD in Computer Engineering
Ti-based smart materials for load-bearing biomedical implants
Project Acronym
Prof. Fatih Toptan (IZTECH)
Asst. Prof. Deniz Tanıl Yücesoy (IZTECH)
Assoc. Prof. Duygu Ege (BOUN)
PhD Awarding Institution
İzmir Institute of Technology
PhD Title
PhD in Materials Science and Engineering
Development of patient derived cancer organoid on a chip platform for preclinical testing of CAR-mediated immunotherapy
Project Acronym
oCARs (Organoid based CAR screening)
Prof. Esra Erdal (IBG)
Prof. Mayda Gürsel (IBG)
Prof. Devrim Pesen Okvur (IZTECH)
PhD Awarding Institution
Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir International Biomedicine and Genome Institute
PhD Title
PhD in Molecular Biology and Genetics
Label-free single cell analysis in microfluidics devices using self-supervised deep learning
Project Acronym
Assoc. Prof. Cumhur Tekin (IZTECH)
Assoc Prof. Mustafa Ozuysal (IZTECH)
Assoc. Prof. Sinan Guven (IBG)
PhD Awarding Institution
İzmir Institute of Technology
PhD Title
PhD in Bioengineering
Characterizing the regulatory roles of long-noncoding RNAs in tumor immunity
Project Acronym
Asst. Prof. H. Atakan Ekiz (IZTECH)
Prof. Bünyamin Akgül (IZTECH)
Assoc. Prof. Gökhan Karakülah (IBG)
PhD Awarding Institution
İzmir Institute of Technology
PhD Title
PhD in Molecular Biology and Genetics
Structure-based detection of critical mutations in redesigning protein-protein interfaces
Project Acronym
Asst. Prof. Ezgi Karaca (IBG)
Assoc. Prof. Gökhan Karakulah (IBG)
Asst. Prof. Işıl Öz (IZTECH)
PhD Awarding Institution
Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir International Biomedicine and Genome Institute
PhD Title
PhD in Biomedicine and Health Technologies
3D printed boron doped bioactive glasses for soft tissue engineering applications and their zebrafish response
Project Acronym
Assoc. Prof. Duygu Ege (BOUN)
Asst. Prof. Deniz T. Yücesoy (IZTECH)
Prof. Güneş Özhan (IBG)
PhD Awarding Institution
Boğaziçi University, Institute of Biomedical Engineering
PhD Title
PhD in Biomedical Engineering
Development of smart powered prosthetic devices and neurorehabilitation technologies
Project Acronym
Power of Neurotechnology
Prof. Can A. Yücesoy (BOUN)
Asst. Prof. Sinan Öncü (BOUN)
Prof. Yalın Baştanlar (IZTECH)
PhD Awarding Institution
Boğaziçi University, Institute of Biomedical Engineering
PhD Title
PhD in Biomedical Engineering
An example for democratization of biomedical instrumentation: make your own cell/culture monitoring/sorting device
Project Acronym
Prof. Cengizhan Öztürk (BOUN)
Prof. Rana Sanyal (BOUN)
Assoc. Prof. Cumhur Tekin (IZTECH)
PhD Awarding Institution
Boğaziçi University, Institute of Biomedical Engineering
PhD Title
PhD in Biomedical Engineering